Monday, March 22, 2010

Investing Strategy & Planning 2010

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If you remember I stated that that would not be the case in 2009 and was largely proven correct. 2009 was unusual because I thought that the recovery was underway and that too much funds was still sidelined. This year, I think we would do well to stick to the rule of thumb: Sell In May & Go Away.

There is a familiar saying in capital markets "Sell in May and go away", made popular by author Jeffrey Hirsch who publishes the Stock Trader's Almanac. As I have argued before, in an average 12 months, you'd be lucky to have two periods of bullish phases, each lasting 3-6 weeks. The rest of the time will be punctuated by false rallies and bear traps, or just plain inactivity.

To sell in May and return after October is a good rule of the thumb, especially for "long only" players. In a revealing study: an investor who placed US$10,000 in the Dow average at the end of April each year since 1950 and sold at the end of October would have a net loss of US$272, while someone doing the opposite would have gained an astounding US$534,323. So, taking May-October off may not be just a good for your health but also saves you a lot of stress, plus improves your job performance smartly.

Not sure i can sell my holdings. Sad.. still in lost. Havent see any sign of recovery. Hope can get back at least 25k before May without losses or little earning and reenter again during WC thats shld be arnd July. If losses too heavy, i dont think i will exit and i shld be the long term shareholders of the company. Haha!

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